If you are looking for a book we don’t own, we can try to get it from another library. We call these requests Interlibrary Loans (ILLs).
To put in an ILL request, use the form on this page. You can also visit the library or call to place your request. We need to know the title and author of the item you're looking for.
Before you place an ILL request, check our catalog to see whether we already have the item at the library. You can reserve an item we own by logging in to your account.
Interlibrary Loan FAQs
You can request books or audiobooks via ILL. In general, items need to be at least six months old before we can place a request, as most libraries do not loan out their newest items.
You can have five active ILL requests at any one time.
There is no charge for ILL items that we get from Indiana libraries. We can look out of state if no Indiana library has the item, but there is a $4 shipping charge for items received from out of state. We always search Indiana libraries first and will only search out-of-state if you answer Yes to the “Willing to pay $4” question. You must pay the $4 fee when you pick up your item.
On average, an item will arrive in one to two weeks. However, on rare occasions a request can take a month or longer to come in, especially if it's coming from out of state. We will contact you when your item is ready to be picked up.
Each lending library sets the due dates for the items it loans. Typically, the due date will be at least two weeks from the date we receive the item. You may receive a further due date than this, but the supplying library determines this. ILLs cannot be renewed.
You can suggest items using the Title Suggestion feature in the library’s Online Catalog (OPAC). We consider suggestions when making purchasing decisions, but please note that all purchases follow the library’s Collection Development Policy, and there is no guarantee that the library will purchase any particular item.