The library has several computers available for use by the public.
We have an adult computer lab and a children's lab. If you are an adult bringing children, we ask that you use the children's lab.
To use a computer, visit the front desk to scan your library card and sign in. No card? Ask us about a guest access card.
Children must have a library card and a parent/guardian's permission to use the computer and are required to follow the Rules of the Road guidelines.
All of our public computers have high-speed Internet access and Microsoft Office programs. CD/DVD drives are available on most computers. A floppy disk reader is available upon request.
You can use our computers to print out documents. Learn more on our Printing & Copying page.
All computer users must abide by the library's Acceptable Use Policy and the Adult or Child computer use agreements.
Internet & Wi-Fi
All of the library's public computers have high-speed Internet access.
You can also access the Internet through the library's public Wi-Fi network. The name of this network is pcplwireless. You do not need a password to connect.
Free public Wi-Fi is available throughout the library, including meeting rooms and tutor rooms.
The library also provides Wi-Fi at the West Side Center in Medaryville.
Our Wi-Fi is available 24/7 and can be accessed outside the building when the library is closed.
Users of our Wi-Fi network are subject to the library's Acceptable Use and Wireless policies.