We have hundreds of rolls of microfilm available to interested researchers. See the lists below to learn about the records and documents available on microfilm in our collection.
Local Newspapers
- Winamac Democrat – January 1869–December 1878
- Greenback Journal – September 1878–January 10, 1880
- Winamac Journal – January 17, 1880–December 1883
- Democratic Journal – January 1884–December 1895
- Winamac Prefect – February 29, 1888–March 20, 1889
- Pulaski County Democrat – January 7, 1891–August 30, 1956
- Winamac Republican – January 1893–December 1956
- Winamac Democrat[ic] Journal – January 1896–December 1917
- Francesville Tribune – 1903–Present
- Pulaski County Journal – September 6, 1956–Present
- Monterey Herald – 1918–1920
- Royal Center Record – 1926, 1935–1984
Pulaski County
- Pulaski County Guardianship Records 1839–1990
- Pulaski County Estate Records 1839–1990
- Pulaski County Marriages 1839–1920
- Pulaski County Divorces 1839–1900, 1959–1973
- Pulaski County Coroner’s Inquests 1850–1992
- Pulaski County Tax Duplicates 1845–1860
- Pulaski County Deed Index 1839–1970
- Pulaski County Township Trustee Reports (various) 1855–1961
- Pulaski County Commissioners Reports 1839–2004
- Pulaski County Plenary Civil Case Files #1001–#3868
- Pulaski County Voter Registration Cards
- Pulaski County Roads & Highways 1839–1983
- Enrollment of Civil War soldiers, widows, and orphans 1886, 1890, 1894
- St. Peters Catholic Church Membership Records
- St. Ann Monterey Membership Records
- St. Joseph Church Membership Records
- St. James Church Records 1864–1986
- St. James Salem 1896–Present
Additional Microfilm
- Indiana WPA Indexes 1850–1920
- Indiana State Library County History Collection
- Cass County, Indiana Cemetery Inscriptions (1949 L’Anguille Valley Memorial Association)
- Ohio 1880 Census Index
- Everton Pedigree Charts v.1–v.3
- Historical Indiana Atlases
- Record of Indiana Spanish American War Volunteers
- William Wade Encyclopedia of Quaker Genealogy v.1–v.6
- State of Indiana vs. Ford Motor Company (Pinto Trial)
- Indiana Census Soundex 1880, 1900
- Indiana Federal Census 1830–1930 (excluding 1890)
- Federal Census (various years for the following states: Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Illinois, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Maine, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, and Vermont)